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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2015> Annual Growth Survey 2016: Strengthening the recovery and fostering convergence

Annual Growth Survey 2016: Strengthening the recovery and fostering convergence

EU News 353/2015

Brussels, 26 November 2015

Today’s package launches the annual cycle of economic governance. It sets out general economic and social priorities for the EU and gives Member States policy guidance for the following year. Policy challenges vary across countries, so responses will also vary. However, there are overarching themes that affect the EU as a whole. To strengthen the recovery and foster convergence, the Commission recommends building on the three main pillars identified last year for the EU's economic and social policy: re-launching investment, pursuing structural reforms and responsible fiscal policies.

This package builds on the latest data from the Commission Autumn Economic Forecast. It also reflects the new approach to the European Semester set out in the Commission's recent Communication on steps towards completing the Economic and Monetary Union, including a stronger emphasis on employment and social issues and on the euro area dimension.

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