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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2015> Following their meeting with EU ministers for development in the margin of the UN Sustainable Development Summit: Joint Statement by HRVP Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Neven Mimica

Following their meeting with EU ministers for development in the margin of the UN Sustainable Development Summit: Joint Statement by HRVP Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Neven Mimica

EU News 261/2015

New York, 26/09/2015

European Union Ministers for Development came together yesterday evening in New York following the invitation by High Representative/Vice President Federica Mogherini and International and Development Commissioner Neven Mimica to celebrate the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals today by the United Nations Heads of the State. They were joined by the Chair of the Development Committee of the European Parliament, the President of the European Investment Bank and by Amina Mohamed, the United Nations Secretary General Special Adviser on the Post 2015 development agenda.

EU Development Ministers emphasised Sustainable Development Goals as a new paradigm for the global eradication of poverty and sustainable development. We briefly discussed about the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals by the European Union in third countries but also within the European Union since the Agenda will, for the first time, be applicable to all countries.


The EU has been a leader in contributing to the adoption of the new 2030 United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development, building this new agenda from the start. We are now committed to take this agenda forward both inside the EU and through the EU's external policies by supporting implementation efforts in third countries, in particular those most in need.

The implementation of the new 2030 agenda will be key in tackling the root causes of the refugees crisis.

Source and additional information:

UN Sustainable Development Goals URL