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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2015> Special meeting of the European Council, 23 April 2015 – Statement

Special meeting of the European Council, 23 April 2015 - Statement

EU News 110/2015


1. The situation in the Mediterranean is a tragedy. The European Union will mobilise all efforts at its disposal to prevent further loss of life at sea and to tackle the root causes of the human emergency that we face, in cooperation with the countries of origin and transit. Our immediate priority is to prevent more people from dying at sea.

2. We have therefore decided to strengthen our presence at sea, to fight the traffickers, to prevent illegal migration flows and to reinforce internal solidarity and responsibility. Given that instability in Libya creates an ideal environment for the criminal activities of traffickers, we will actively support all UN-led efforts towards re-establishing government authority in Libya. We will also step up efforts to address conflict and instability as key push factors of migration, including in Syria.

3. We today commit to:

- Strengthening our presence at sea
- Fighting traffickers in accordance with international law
- Preventing illegal migration flows
- Reinforcing internal solidarity and responsibility

4. The EU institutions and the Member States will work immediately on the full implementation of these orientations. The Presidency and the Commission will present next week a roadmap setting out work up to June.

5. The European Council looks forward to the Commission Communication on a European Agenda for Migration, in order to develop a more systemic and geographically comprehensive approach to migration. The European Council will remain seized of the situation and will closely monitor the implementation of these orientations. The Council and the Commission will report to the European Council in June.

Source and additional information:

Illustration photos - FRONTEX : Joint Operation Triton 2014 - Frontex © European Union (C)EU, 2015 URL