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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2015> Delivery of €315 billion Investment Plan on track: Commission presents law for the European Fund for Strategic Investments

Delivery of €315 billion Investment Plan on track: Commission presents law for the European Fund for Strategic Investments

EU News 7/2015

Strasbourg, 13 January 2015

Just 50 days after announcing its ambitious Investment Plan for Europe to boost jobs and growth, the European Commission today adopted the legislative proposal for the European Fund for Strategic Investments, which will be established in close partnership with the European Investment Bank (EIB). The Fund is at the very heart of President Juncker's Investment Offensive, which will mobilise at least €315 billion in private and public investment across the European Union. This will especially support strategic investments, such as in broadband and energy networks, as well as smaller companies with fewer than 3000 employees. The proposal also sets up a European Investment Advisory Hub to help with project identification, preparation and development across the Union. Finally, a European Investment Project Pipeline will improve investors' knowledge of existing and future projects.

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File Photo: Jyrki Katainen Date: 29/10/2014 Reference: P-026567/00-01 Location: Brussels - EC/Berlaymont (C)EU, 2014 URL