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Statement on South Sudan

EU News 212/2014

Brussels, 10 May 2014

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission, issued the following statement today:

"We welcome the agreement reached in Addis Ababa to resolve the crisis in South Sudan and commend all parties and more particularly the Prime Minister of Ethiopia for brokering the arrangement.

This is a potential breakthrough if it is swiftly implemented. South Sudan is in a race against time. A humanitarian calamity beckons. The rapid implementation of this agreement is the only way large numbers of South Sudanese can be spared from violence and famine and the country can slowly begin to bind itself together after such a violent five months.

We expect the two leaders to issue orders immediately to all the military units to refrain from any hostile action, as required by the agreement. The EU awaits the report of the monitoring mission of IGAD which will verify within one week of yesterday's signature whether this order has been distributed by both sides.

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