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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2014> Commission calls for immediate action for a European Industrial Renaissance

Commission calls for immediate action for a European Industrial Renaissance

EU News 20/2014

Brussels, 22 January 2014

The European Commission is urging Member States to recognise the central importance of industry for creating jobs and growth and to mainstream industry-related competitiveness concerns across all policy areas. This is the key message of the communication For a European Industrial Renaissance, adopted today. The Commission calls on the Council and the Parliament to adopt proposals on energy, transport, space and digital communications networks as well as implement and enforce legislation to complete the internal market. Furthermore industrial modernisation must be pursued by investing in innovation, resource efficiency, new technologies, skills and access to finance, accelerated by the use of dedicated EU funds. The Communication promotes a more business friendly Europe through actions to simplify the legislative framework and improve the efficiency of public administration at EU, national and regional levels. Easier access to third country markets through harmonisation of international standards, open public procurement, patent protection and economic diplomacy are also key issues.

Source and additional information:

José Manuel Barroso, on the left, and Antonio Tajani Date: 22/01/2014 Reference: P-024821/00-05 Location: Brussels - EC/Berlaymont (C)EU, 2014 URL