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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2013> Bee Health: EU-wide restrictions on Pesticide use to enter into force on 1 December

Bee Health: EU-wide restrictions on Pesticide use to enter into force on 1 December

EU News 253/2013

Brussels, 24 May 2013

A restriction on the use of three pesticides belonging to the neonicotinoid family was today adopted by the Commission. These pesticides (clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiametoxam) were identified as being harmful to Europe’s honeybee population. This restriction will enter into force as from 1 December 2013 and will be reviewed, at the latest, within two years.  It targets pesticides used in the treatment of plants and cereals that are attractive to bees and pollinators.


Today’s measure forms part of the Commission’s overall strategy[1] to tackle the decline of Europe’s bee population. Since the publication of the Commission’s bee health strategy in 2010, several actions have been taken or are underway. These include: the designation of a EU Reference Laboratory for bee health; increased EU co-financing for national apiculture programmes, co-financing to carry out surveillance studies in 17 voluntary Member States (€3.3 million were allocated in 2012) and EU research programmes such as BeeDoc and STEP which look into the multifactorial aspects that could be attributed to Europe’s bee decline.

[1] Commission Communication on Honeybee Health COM(2010) 714 final

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