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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2013> European Citizenship: Awareness growing about EU-guaranteed rights but people want to know more

European Citizenship: Awareness growing about EU-guaranteed rights but people want to know more

EU News 83/2013

19 February 2013

20 years after the birth of EU citizenship Europeans are broadly aware of their rights, but do not always know what these entail, according to a new Eurobarometer survey published by the European Commission today. 81% of respondents to the survey know that they are EU citizens on top of their own nationality (see Annex). However, only 36% feel well informed about the rights that EU citizenship entails. Europeans are most familiar with their rights to free movement (88%) and to petition EU institutions (89%). Meanwhile two-thirds (67%) consider that free movement of people within the EU brings economic benefits to their country.

Source and additional information:

3. Right to complain to EU institutions and right to free movement are the most popular EU citizens' rights. URL