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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2012> Thousands of Japanese across the country saw the ‘EU on wheels’

Thousands of Japanese across the country saw the 'EU on wheels'

EU News 250/2012

12 June 2012

The first ever EU Roadshow inJapan, which saw a bus in European Union (EU) livery tour the country for four weeks to deliver a positive message about the EU and its key policies to Japanese citizens, saw its successful conclusion on Saturday, 9 June.

Since the start of the roadshow on 14 May, the EU-themed bus travelled more than 4,000 km and made 22 stops, including at universities, high schools and public areas, fromSendai(MiyagiPrefecture) in the north to the city ofOitaon the southernmost mainislandofKyushu. In total, some 12,000 people came to see the bus and asked questions about the EU to its crew, three European students fluent in Japanese.

This figure is at least doubled when 'virtual' followers of the roadshow are taken into account. The event had a dedicated website embedded in the Delegation of the EU to Japan's social media platform, (, allowing people to track the location of the bus in real time. There was also a blog in Japanese that was updated daily.

For more information, please contact:
Rudie Filon  Tel: 03-5422-6030/mobile: 090-6533-0576
Mari Koseki  Tel: 03-5422-6034
Miwako Suetsune  Tel: 03-5422-6035 /
Digital Media:
Vicente J. Luna  Tel: 03-5422-6038 /