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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2017> In partnership with NATO, the EU continues to strengthen its defence and security profile

In partnership with NATO, the EU continues to strengthen its defence and security profile

EU News 63/2017


The European Union continues to strengthen its defence and security profile, in partnership with NATO, said High Representative Federica Mogherini today upon arrival at a meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers. She also stressed that while the UK contribution to the EU security and defence is important, but not that big to create a challenge for the EU in the future.

"I have seen that there have been considerations about how the UK leaving the European Union might affect our capacity to be a defence and security provider...Looking at the numbers, the UK contributes today only 3% of the civilian capabilities in our EU operations and missions and 5% to the military ones. So for sure it is a valued contribution, but for sure a contribution without which the European Union's defence and security work can continue perfectly well," she said.

"I wish we could and we will establish a good and solid security and defence cooperation also after Brexit....But the numbers with which the UK is currently contributing  to the European Union's defence and security operations and missions is not that big as to create a challenge for the European Union in the future. So leverage in that respect will be really minimal on their side," she added.

In the meantime the EU is strengthening its cooperation with NATO, on the basis of the Warsaw Declaration from last July. Federica Mogherini highlighted "the excellent EU-NATO cooperation in all different fields", adding the meeting would be "an occasion to continue our common work on the many different challenges we have, but also some opportunities to strengthen the security of our citizens."

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