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Statement on the occasion of the 1st ASEM Day

EU News 37/2017

Brussels, 01/03/2017

Today is the very first edition of ASEM Day. It celebrates the importance of connecting Europe and Asia in all areas, based on the principles of equal partnership, mutual respect and mutual benefits of the ASEM dialogue.

With its 53 partners, ASEM is the key platform that brings together Europe's and Asia's leading policymakers, business representatives and civil society actors across its three pillars – political, economic and cultural. ASEM plays a vital role as ideas laboratory and dialogue framework, representing 60% of the world's population, 60% of global GDP and 60% of global trade. In today's volatile world, the ASEM process has a new sense of purpose and momentum as a key platform for promoting open, rules-based international cooperation.

We are looking forward to the next ASEM Summit, which will be held in Brussels in 2018.

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