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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2017> On the recent executions in the State of Kuwait: Statement by the spokesperson

On the recent executions in the State of Kuwait: Statement by the spokesperson

EU News 12/2017

Brussels, 25/01/2017

It was confirmed earlier today that the State of Kuwait carried out the execution of a group of seven people, four men and three women, convicted for different criminal offences.  This is the first execution in Kuwait since 2013.

Although recognising the serious nature of the crimes involved, the European Union reiterates its opposition to the use of the death penalty in all circumstances without exception. Use of the death penalty represents an unacceptable denial of human dignity and integrity. Experience worldwide has demonstrated that it fails to act as a deterrent to crime. In addition it makes any miscarriage of justice – which can exist in any legal system – irreversible.

The European Union hopes that Kuwait will return to its previous de facto moratorium on the death penalty.

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