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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2016> On the adoption by the United Nations Security Council of Resolution 2321 (2016) on the DPRK: Statement by the Spokesperson

On the adoption by the United Nations Security Council of Resolution 2321 (2016) on the DPRK: Statement by the Spokesperson

EU News 392/2016

Brussels, 30/11/2016

This afternoon, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 2321 (2016). In doing so, the international community has once again demonstrated its steadfast commitment to upholding the global non-proliferation regime in the face of continued, direct violations by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

As has been the case with past Resolutions, UNSC Resolution 2321 will now be transposed without delay into European Union law. The European Union will also consider whether further additional autonomous restrictive measures are called for.

The DPRK's actions over the course of this year, including two nuclear tests, serve no purpose other than to increase tensions in the region and to threaten international peace and security. The unanimous adoption of the Resolution is a clear reflection that such actions will not be tolerated.

The DPRK must abide by all its international obligations. In addition, its re-engagement with the international community in a credible and meaningful way, in particular in the framework of the Six-Party Talks, would be a positive step forward.

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