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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2016> EU Banking Reform: Strong banks to support growth and restore confidence

EU Banking Reform: Strong banks to support growth and restore confidence

EU News 378/2016

Brussels, 23 November 2016

The Commission is presenting today a comprehensive package of reforms to further strengthen the resilience of EU banks.

This proposal builds on existing EU banking rules and aims to complete the post-crisis regulatory agenda by making sure that the regulatory framework addresses any outstanding challenges to financial stability, while ensuring that banks can continue to support the real economy.

Banks have a central role in financing the economy and for promoting growth and jobs. They are a key source of funding for households and businesses. In the wake of the financial crisis, the EU pursued an ambitious reform of the financial regulatory system to bring back financial stability and market confidence. Today's proposals aim to complete this reform agenda by implementing some outstanding elements, which are essential to further reinforce banks' ability to withstand potential shocks. The proposals also fine-tune some aspects of the new regulatory framework where necessary to make it more growth-friendly and proportionate to banks' complexity, size and business profile. It also includes measures that will support SMEs and investment in infrastructure.

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