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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2016> Managing migration effectively: Commission reports on progress in the implementation of the Partnership Framework with third countries

Managing migration effectively: Commission reports on progress in the implementation of the Partnership Framework with third countries

EU News 337/2016

Brussels, 18 October 2016

The Commission presents today its first progress Report on implementing the Partnership Frameworks with third countries: the EU's new approach to more effectively managing migration jointly with countries of origin and transit is starting to yield results.


The Partnership Framework is a forward-looking European approach to deepening cooperation with countries of origin, transit and destination. Since June, under the leadership of the High Representative/Vice-President, EU institutions and Member States have jointly put substantial efforts into making this new approach a success. Work to address short-term solutions to immediate migration pressure, as well as deeper investment to tackling the root causes of irregular migration has started with five priority countries: Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Mali and Ethiopia. Thanks to the coordinated action of all sides involved, the EU and its Member States, the collective work is starting to bear fruit and is resulting in tangible outcomes.

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