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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2016> The EU at the G20 summit

The EU at the G20 summit

EU News 287/2016


G20 leaders are meeting in Hangzhou, China, on 4-5 September. European Council President Donald Tusk and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker are representing the EU at the summit.

The theme of this year's summit is “Towards an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world economy”.

At the press conference before the summit, President Tusk focused on the migration and refugee crisis. "It is a global challenge that requires global solutions based on order, responsibility and solidarity," said President Tusk. "In light of an unprecedented number of 65 million displaced people all over the world, the G20 community needs to scale up its share of responsibility. Only global efforts supporting refugees and their host communities will be able to bear fruit," he added.

The President of the European Council also made remarks on fight against terrorism and climate change, as they are among the key topics for the EU at the summit.

Remarks by President Donald Tusk before the G20 summit in Hangzhou, China

Opening remarks by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker ahead of the G20 Summit


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