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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2016> On the DPRK’s launch of ballistic missiles: Statement by the Spokesperson

On the DPRK's launch of ballistic missiles: Statement by the Spokesperson

EU News 273/2016

Brussels, 03/08/2016

Earlier today the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) launched two ballistic missiles, clearly violating once more its international obligations as set out in multiple UN Security Council Resolutions.

The DPRK must halt all missile launches using ballistic missile technology and fully comply with all its international obligations. This latest action by the DPRK will serve no purpose other than heighten tensions on the Korean Peninsula and threaten the peace and security of the wider region.

We  reiterate  our urgent call on the DPRK to refrain from any further action that increase tensions and to engage in a meaningful dialogue with the international community, in particular in the framework of the Six Party Talks.

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