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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2016> On the arrests of Human Rights defender and journalists in Turkey: Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Johannes Hahn

On the arrests of Human Rights defender and journalists in Turkey: Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Johannes Hahn

EU News 221/2016

Brussels, 21/06/2016

The arrest of the President of Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (HRFT), Prof. Şebnem Korur Fincancı, and of several journalists, including Erol Önderoğlu (from Reporters Without Borders) and Ahmet Nesin, on Monday goes against Turkey's commitment to respect the fundamental rights, including freedom of media. Any alleged wrongdoing or crime should be subject to due process, and respect to the principle of presumption of innocence should be guaranteed.

The EU has repeatedly stressed that Turkey, as a candidate country, must aspire to the highest possible democratic standards and practices. Any country negotiating its EU accession must guarantee human rights, in line with the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Free, diverse and independent media are essential in any democratic society.

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