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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2016> Climate Action: EU prepares the way for a quick ratification of Paris Agreement

Climate Action: EU prepares the way for a quick ratification of Paris Agreement

EU News 208/2016

Brussels, 10 June 2016

The European Commission today presented a proposal for the European Union to ratify the Paris Agreement, the world's first universal, legally binding deal to tackle climate change. The Commission's proposal comes just weeks after the EU and 174 countries signed the landmark agreement at a ceremony.


In line with the 2030 climate and energy framework agreed by EU leaders in October 2014, the Commission intends to propose in the coming months the Member State targets to reduce emissions in those sectors not covered by the Emissions Trading System, such as transport, agriculture and buildings. The Commission will also propose how to integrate land use into the 2030 framework and a communication on low-carbon mobility. The Commission's proposals this summer, together with the revision of the Emissions Trading System, will deliver the remainder of the EU's commitments under the Paris Agreement and are an integral part of Energy Union's ambitious and forward-looking climate policy.

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