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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2016> A new integrated EU policy for the Arctic adopted

A new integrated EU policy for the Arctic adopted

EU News 147/2016

Brussels, 27 April 2016

The High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and the European Commission have today adopted a policy proposal that will guide the actions of the European Union in the Arctic region. The European Union will step up its existing action and engagement in the region with 39 actions focussing on climate change, environmental protection, sustainable development and international cooperation. The particular importance of research, science and innovation is reflected across these priority areas.


The Joint Communication takes into account existing EU legislation, including the commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as ongoing and forthcoming EU activities and projects. It also builds on and complements the Arctic policies of the EU Member States. The proposed actions will now be discussed with the EU Member States in the Council and the European Parliament.

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