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EU Declaration on the occasion of the Day of International Criminal Justice

EU News 207/2015

Brussels, 17 July 2015

17 July is the day which the States Parties to the Rome Statute have designated as the Day of International Criminal Justice. This day unites all those who wish to support justice, stand up for victims' rights, and help prevent crimes that threaten the peace, security and well-being of the world.

Justice for the victims of serious international crimes can only be fully achieved if the perpetrators of these crimes are brought to justice and held to account by fair and effective judicial bodies, at the national or international level. Victims must have their voices heard and taken into account. The prosecution of massive human rights violations plays a key role in deterring the future commission of such crimes.

The EU and its Member States remain committed to supporting the prevention and the sanction of international crimes and to promoting global justice.

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